
How to Find Good Trucking Loads

As freight volumes drop, finding the right load is no longer just about locating those that pay the most. The most important factor to consider is finding a return load. This is the key to making a profit. Load boards are a valuable resource when it comes to finding loads and planning trips, but you need to exercise your judgment to make good use of all that information. It’s best to provide services to a targeted market depending upon the capabilities of your truck. This narrows down your hunt and allows you to concentrate efforts on building up your services to cater to the specific requirements of clients.

Trucking load boards provide access to a wide range of information; of which, matching loads to trucks is an important aspect. Visit websites like Getloaded, 123LoadBoard and Internet TruckStop. Doing some research into the way these load boards function so you can get the most value from use.

Select the right load board. Find out if they have a free trial period and make use of it. Compare the features of each service to find the easiest to use and most reasonably priced. Read testimonials provided by people who have used the load boards. Ask friends in the trucking community their opinion. Select the load board that’s most meets your needs and sign up by paying the monthly fee.

Select the right load. Log on to the load board and search for available loads. Consider the capabilities of your truck and personnel while choosing a what loads to haul. Find loads that pay reasonably. Don’t blindly jump at ones that are highest paying — consider the more important criterion of finding a return load, which can drastically cut your costs. Use the tools provided by the load board to match outbound and return loads.

Once you’ve found a load that appears to meet your criterion, research the shipper. Visit the websites of companies you’re interested in doing business with. Find out how big the company is and details of the products they ship. Again, it’s a good idea to canvas other trucker friends get their input and experience hauling for a particular shipper. Was pay timely? Where they made to wait to load, unload freight. Were their trucks overloaded? Were delivery expectations reasonable? Get the scoop from other drivers wherever possible.

Get in touch with customers who have loads that work for your business. Send an email providing details of your truck service and your contact information. Fix an appointment to discuss business. When communicating with potential client, present relevant information about your truck service. Ask questions regarding the type of cargo hauled to be sure you have the proper equipment to handle the job. Inquire about the frequency of loads, the value of the freight, lead time and payment terms. Use this information to determine your quote.