Trucker News

2010 Intermodal Expo – Truck Show

Produced by the Intermodal Association of North America – November 13-16 2010
Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The Intermodal Association of North America (IANA) is the premier trade association representing the combined
interests of the intermodal freight industry. IANA programs and services keep members informed of industry trends, crucial legislative and regulatory issues, and provide educational forums, networking opportunities, news and vital industry information. And Members enjoy substantial discounts on all IANA publications, products and meeting and seminar registrations!
For more links on upcoming trucking show expos and events visit:

Just Getting Into the Trucking Business?

So your thinking of becoming a truck driver but dont know where to start? There are many types of trailers and loads you can haul from 48ft flatbed trailers to Reefer trailers to smaller 24-26ft straight truck (bobtail trailers).  You can driver interstate or intrastate…which loads are good for you, and which loads make the most money?

For most loads brokers or shippers will want a driver to have some expierience and probably want them driving approx 4-6months of over the road experience. Other manufactures need their loads deliveried ASAP and will let a driver haul a load with little experience.

A good place to start is with the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) new drivers checklist. Once you have got your experience under your belt you will probably have lots of questions about your next steps like What is a reasonable/acceptable starting pay per mileage? or what other expenses you may have as a owner operator.

To find new loads you can get wireless access at truck stops an get on a trucking loadboards to find available loads. is a great loadboard that will dispatch loads over the phone so you dont need a computer or internet access when your over the road.

Another great place to start when your a new owner operator is trucking forums, they are a great place for newbies and experienced drivers give great feedback.


How To Find Owner Operators

Thousands of Owner Operators search load board looking for backhauls so they will not have dead head miles. The above video shows how a member would use our load board system to find available owner operators. Shippers and brokers can post their truck loads for free, giving owner operators thousands of new daily loads to choose from many trailer types. also provides this service of load matching over the phone by providing a 24/7 Dispatching service to our members so that there will always be a way for a driver or shipper to book a load.

Freight Loads

Flatbed Trailer Loads

There will always be a high demand for flatbed drivers, simply because there is so much freight that can not be palletized and the majority of un palletized freight that needs to be hauled usually needs to be delivered miles away from their pickup location.