If you are an owner operator or running a small trucking business, then this article will be very helpful for you to bring proficiency in your business and skills. Most of the time shipping and trucking companies face cash interruptions as they wait for the enlisted companies to whom they have provided the trucking services to pay for their work. Therefore to maintain continuous cash flow to your business, as an owner operator you can utilize factoring facility. Efficient freight factoring services is provided by many finance companies today.
By utilizing the facility of factoring, truckers get the payment immediately after the delivery of the goods. The payment is not dependent on the payment done by the shippers. The invoices of the trucking company are first purchased by the factoring company. The company does the payment against the bills to the trucker. This step is essential for small trucking business as there are many regular expenses to be tackled such as fuel, truck maintenance and repairs. Factoring can help you to get payment on time to full fill all these on going expenses.
In this world of technical advancement the factoring facility is also available online. You can utilize the factoring facility by simply connecting to the internet. Among the online factoring companies the name of “orange commercial credit” is well known because it is the name of trust and reliability.
Orange commercial credit is a company which provides very affordable rates of factoring which is less than 1%. And it is very quick cash providing company. So you don’t have to wait for 20 to 30 days to get your bill to be cleared. The Company provides different factoring programs depending on the size of the trucking business and the size of the trucks which are being utilized in the business.
Orange commercial credit provides the good credit management and credit information service. Through orange commercial credit you can also get the information of highest paying shippers and brokers by getting access to its load board. The load boards will also let the shippers contact you for their delivery order. The credit checking facility provided by the company is completely online. You can access the information of credit stored in a balance sheet. Company has the professional account operators to ensure the quality of the service provided. There is no debt incurred on you when your avail their factoring service. The company also provides invoice processing and collections services for your benefit.
Factoring facilities provided by the orange commercial credit can be easily availed by registering through their website. There is no registration fee or start up fee. You just have to fill up the form available and get an access to its freight factoring services. The company will provide you with immediate cash to keep your business going.
Orange commercial credit is providing the factoring facilities since 1986 so there is no doubt about its proficiency and reliability. The qualifying process is also easy thus making the whole factoring experience for the owner operators very quick and hassle free.