Lifestyle Trucker News

How to Improve Transportation Safety

According to, highway deaths make up 94% of transportation deaths. More than 100 people die in transportation accidents every day in the United States. Local transportation safety plans and guidelines are intended to prevent unnecessary accidents and save lives. Identifying trends is key to eliminating as many accidents as possible and promoting transportation safety for everyone on the road. If you’re hoping to improve transportation safety issues in your area, take into consideration traffic signals, emergency response and traffic flow, which are are all important safety issues for every type of vehicle on the road.
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Focus on roads that have a history of accidents. Areas that are known for congestion can be made better by geometric improvements or new signals. Road safety audits are examinations carried out by a team of people in order to determine potential safety issues on roads and at intersections.

Educate your local townspeople about crashes involving deer. According to Rutgers, drivers should understand that deer/vehicle collisions happen most often during the fall season at both dawn and dusk, when visibility is low. If you spot a deer in the road or on the side of the road, slow down but don’t veer to one side. Let the deer pass and be forewarned that other deer may follow.

Finance the safety programs. Without financial backing, transportation safety programs cannot be established and safety issues won’t change or improve. Funding can come from local, state and federal sources, as well as local transportation agencies. Fire departments and rescue departments may be willing to contribute money for this cause.

Encourage drivers not to use their cell phone while driving. Whether dialing a number, texting or being involved in a conversation, drivers who use their cell phones run the risk of being distracted and having an accident. Drivers can use a headset or Bluetooth device if they need to talk on the phone while driving. However, according to, hands-free devices are still not as safe as simply not using a phone while behind the wheel.

Promote different modes of transportation, such as walking or cycling. Less people in vehicles on the road means less congestion and accidents. The amount of greenhouse gases being emitted would also be reduced.

Increase safety at crosswalks to prevent pedestrian accidents. Pedestrians who get into accidents with motor vehicles must be protected under transportation safety initiatives as well. Providing crossing guards at crosswalks during heavy traffic times would improve safety. Also, installing timers at crosswalks that designate 30 seconds for pedestrians to cross the street would help to ensure that motorists are stopped at the intersection.

Owner Operators

What Is the Average Income of an Owner-Operator Truck Driver?

One of the dreams of many job seekers is to have a job that allows them to tour America and see its many beautiful sites. Some choose to be owners-operators of trucks for this reason, while others choose to drive trucks for the promise of substantial wages. There is more to trucking than simply looking at your potential gross wage when determining if this field is right for you. There are several factors in determining the real wage for an owner-operator trucking professional.

Salary and Benefits Overview
According to the industry’s association, the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association, the average gross income for an owner-operator was $158,005 in 2008, a time of high fuel prices. Being self-employed, most owner-operators must purchase their own benefits programs such as insurance and retirement, and will only have a traditional vacation by merely choosing not to accept jobs during a planned absence. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that the average net wages for a truck driver in 2010 was $18.97 per hour, or $39,450 annually, before overtime.

Computing Net Wages

The same Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association survey explained the difference in owner-operator’s pay discrepancy by discussing the many expenses associated with this occupation. An employed truck driver who drives the truck of his company doesn’t have many of the associated repair and fuel costs that one who owns his own truck has. The gross expenses for a owner-operator trucker during this survey was $117,458. Considering all factors, including tax deductions and other business factors, the average yearly net profit for an owner-operator was $49,711.

Work Environment

Work environment can certainly play into computing the net wages for an owner-operator. If you are willing to drive to any destination with any cargo that meets your commercial driver’s license endorsement criteria, you will likely find more job opportunities than a driver limiting these factors. If you are willing to sleep in your truck’s sleeping compartment, prepare your own meals and research fuel prices, you can significantly reduce gross expenses over a year’s time.

Other Considerations
While no formal education beyond truck driving school is required to be an owner-operator truck driver, if you develop better business skills, either in a college setting or in self-study, you will likely make and keep more money. Learning basic truck maintenance and repairs can also save you a considerable amount per year. Team driving, which allows overnight driving, will also directly affect efficiency income, making this a popular occupation for couples. High fuel prices also play a significant role in the profitability of an owner-operator driver and may lead to tighter competition, driving down income.

Lifestyle Trucker News

Internet to Buy and Sell Trucks

Used trucks once sold by running ads in newspapers and magazines, posting them on a public bulletin board and by word of mouth. Some people still use these methods even though they are not as effective as the Internet. The web has continued to grow attracting more and more people of all age’s everyday. Internet advertising reaches more people than any other media outlet. Online ads allow millions of people worldwide to see the product resulting in more sales and for buyers it allows them to locate better deals. It is a win situation for everyone.

The web is the ideal place for truck dealers to advertise their product. An Internet experienced dealer knows hot to list their trucks to get the best results. Start by taking pictures. When a shopper is not physically on site pictures are the next thing. Take photos from every angle from the top of the truck to the bottom showing that you have nothing to hide. Post pictures of the inside of everything from the seats to the dashboard, and on the outside from the tires to clearance lights on top.
Written text is as important as photos. List all the trucks specifications as if you were the buyer. Using this method to list your specifications and features makes it more likely that your listing will be complete. List any special or outstanding features that would attract buyers. If it is possible list the maintenance the truck has received. A detailed maintenance schedule attracts buyers because a well-maintained truck indicates the past owner has taken good care of it leaving less for the buyer to perform. Strong descriptions and pictures increase the click rate by 85 percent.

Choose the online advertising site where the pictures and text will appear. Some sites allow you to set up a storefront where you decide the trucks you want to feature. A shopping cart and checkout is included that calculates the tax and shipping charges. You can list your trucks on an auction site but space is sometimes limited. There are places to set up your own website that gives you total control. Some sites charge a small fee to list your products, but because many of them already have an established audience, it is a good choice. The more exposure the trucks receive the faster they will sell.

Truck buyers and sellers save money by using the web. Sellers have little overhead, so they can sell trucks cheaper online. Buyers can browse at their leisure without traveling from lot to lot. Those who will not buy without personally looking and test driving the truck can narrow their choice down to a few. Online sales will be more successful by establishing a good reputation. Be honest about everything listed. Take pictures that show the truck as it really is and list any major flaws. Your listing is only one among many, so make sure the price you list is fair.

Make certain your contact information is accurate and easy to locate. Eliminating unnecessary e-mails or phone calls to establish the true condition of the truck will quickly put you on the favorite list of many repeat buyers. Word of mouth advertising is still the best or worst there is and is the one thing that has not changed.

Lifestyle Trucker News

How to Transport a Car Cross Country

If you are in the middle of moving across the country, getting all of your belongings to your new homestead can seem overwhelming. You will most likely invest in a moving truck for all of your belongings. After investing in the truck, the only other obstacle in the way of your successful move is figuring out how to get your car cross-country. Luckily, you have a few options when it comes to transporting a car.

Find a car-shipping company and hire them to transport your vehicle cross-country. Car-shipping companies transport vehicles on freight trains or on tractor-trailers. Your decision may change based on where you are moving to, so you should explore both long-haul options. has a large directory of car-shipping companies across the United States.

Clean out your car before you ship it because you’re leaving it in the hands of others. Though you most likely will have insurance on the transport, don’t leave any valuables in the car that could get stolen.

Take your car to the shipping company and find out the drop-off point. Take down all of the shipper’s information, including where your car is being dropped off and who you can contact if there is any trouble.

Driving Your Car Cross-Country


Another option for transporting your car cross-country is to drive it yourself. Plan your drive so you can plot places to stop, what routes to take and how long the trip will take.

Bring someone with you. Not only will having a companion add to the fun factor, it will keep you from getting worn out. Driving endless hours across the country can tire mentally and physically, so it is good to have someone else along to help you drive.

Practice proper car maintenance on your drive. One of the worst things that could happen on your cross-country transport of your car is for it to break down. To help ward off unforeseen breakdowns, check your oil level, tire pressure and other fluid levels when you stop for gas.

Lifestyle Trucker News

Regulations on Hauling Scrap Cars

It should not be taken for granted that anyone can just hop into any vehicle and haul a scrap car to anywhere. Not only are there many regulations that must be followed that apply to this activity, but there are also many regulating agencies who are consistently updating the rules.

Regulating Agencies
States have own regulations

Federal regulations that apply to hauling of scrap cars are made by the Department of Transportation through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. In addition, the Department of Environmental Quality has its own waste hauling requirements that are applicable to the hauling of scrap cars. Many states and counties also have their own regulations to follow.

Factors Being Regulated
Trucks and drivers are regulated

Federal and local regulations applicable to hauling of scrap cars include those that apply to the drivers, the vehicles used in hauling, the scrap that is being transported, the hazardous materials that may be part of the scrap car, and the companies that haul the scrap. Below are some examples.

Regulations on Drivers
No part of cargo can fall off

A driver is not only limited in the number of hours he or she may drive each day, but must also be sure all the hours driven are logged. The driver cannot drive more hours than allowed because this can cause accidents. A driver must have a logbook, insurance information, a camera and other equipment in the vehicle at all times. There are also regulations on drug and alcohol testing and special training requirements.

Regulations on Vehicles

All roads have weight limitations

Regulations on vehicles used to haul scrap cars include length, width and weight limitations, compliance with interstate noise emission standards, and parts and accessories necessary for safe operation. Almost every road in the country has axle weight regulations that must be followed. It is important to know exactly which roads are going to be taken, and that a truck is not too heavy for any of these roads.

Recent Change in Vehicle Regulations
Debris Falling Off Trucks

The FMCSA recently changed rules that require motor carriers to change the way they secure cargo to prevent parts from shifting or falling while in transport. While these carriers were not required to buy new equipment for securing cargo, the intention was to reduce accidents. This caused many vehicle owners and manufacturers to make changes in the design of their vehicles.

Regulations On Hazardous Materials
Gas and oil have to be drained

In trying to improve safety on the highways, the FMCSA aims to reduce the number of incidents involving hazardous materials. The organization has drawn up lists of hazardous materials, how to comply with these regulations, driving and parking rules, fueling rules, and rules on tires. Thus, before a car is crushed and shipped for melting, fluids are drained, tires and batteries removed and catalytic converters cut off.

Regulations on Hauling Companies

Hauling companies are also regulated

While companies hauling scrap make profits, many regulations by so many agencies make it a difficult business to learn and compete in. There are rules that define levels of financial responsibility, forms required for all kinds of operations, and many possible violations and penalties defined for such companies. These are in addition to having to know and follow rules on drivers, vehicles and hazardous materials, and to cope with rule changes.

Freight Brokers Trucker News

Truck Broker Salary

Unlike automotive brokers, whose function is to assist buyers when they purchase a new vehicle, truck brokers, often known as freight brokers, help companies arrange shipping services with independent freight lines or owner/operators. Truck brokers also arrange and manage billing and payments for the freight lines with whom they work. Most brokers work on commission rather than on a base salary many are self-employed and their earnings fluctuate with their ability to make deals and the volume of goods shipped in any given period.

Although they may not receive a consistent salary because their earnings are tied to their job performance, truck brokers earn $39,000 annually as of July 2011, according to Brokers who work strictly as agents, handling pickup and delivery scheduling for clients but not assuming billing and payment processing responsibilities, earn smaller salaries because of their decreased responsibilities. Freight agents earn an average annual salary of $34,000, according to

Salaries by Region

Freight brokers who live in large metropolitan areas may expect to earn higher salaries than the industry average. Virtually all cities reporting salary data to earned significantly more than the national average. Freight brokers who work in New York receive the highest average annual salary, $76,349 as of July 2011. Those working in Chicago and Houston also earned some of the largest average salaries, earning $73,381 and $73,173, respectively. Sixty percent of the cities reporting salary data to the website reported average earnings between $54,924 and $60,672.

Commission Percentage

Truck brokers who work for themselves are free to set their commission rates at whatever they find necessary. Rates may be influenced by the amount of competition in their market. Many truck brokers charge a commission of 17 percent for their services, while freight agents often work for an eight percent commission. To earn average salary figures listed by, a truck broker would need to book more than $229,411 in freight charges in a year, or a freight agent would need to arrange for $425,000 in shipping fees.

Licensing and Bonding

Because they also handle billing in addition to logistics, freight brokers must be licensed like any other type of broker. To operate as a freight broker, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires brokers to be bonded and licensed. Brokers must receive broker’s authority recognition from the FMCSA and processing agent status. Brokers must also carry at least $10,000 in surety bonds in order to operate.

Carriers Newbies

Salary and Benefits of a Letter Carrier

There were 324,990 letter carriers in the U.S. in 2009, according to a May 2010 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These federal government employees sort and organize mail for their individual routes. They then deliver the mail using the most efficient routes. Some letter carriers work rural areas in trucks, while many in urban areas deliver mail mostly on foot. These workers must be at least 18 years old and in excellent physical shape. They usually get paid by the hour.

Median and Average Wages

  • The median wage for all letter carriers in the U.S. was $25.90 an hour, or $53,860 per year, according to the May 2010 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average wage was slightly less, at $24.16 per hour or $50,250 per year. The middle half of letter carriers, between the 25th and 75th percentile, earned hourly rates between $22.17 and $26.26, or annual wages that ranged between $46,110 and $54,610.

Average Wages by State

  • Letter carriers earned their highest wages in the District of Columbia at $25.35 per hour, or $52,720 per year. They also earned above-average rates in California, at $25.09 per hour or $52,190 per year, and in Massachusetts, at $24.94 an hour $51,870 per year. These government workers earned closer to average wages in Michigan, at $24.06 per hour or $50,040 per year. Those in Missouri earned slightly less, at $23.52 per hour or $48,930 per year.

Average Wages by Non-Metropolitan Area

  • Letter carriers’ salaries can also vary regionally in more rural areas. For example, those in the Southwestern area of Wyoming earned the highest annual wages of rural carriers, at $25.26 per hour or $52,550 annually, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. The second highest rural hourly rates were in North Central Colorado, at $24.77 or $51,520 per year. Those in North Central Massachusetts earned wages closer to the national average, at $24.13 per hour or $50,190 per year. Postal carriers earned somewhat lower wages in the Eastern region of North Dakota, at $21.14 per hour or $43,970 annually.


  • Letter carriers enjoy certain benefits from the United States Postal Service. Most full-time workers receive hospital and life insurance, retirement plans, and paid holidays and vacations. They usually earn time-and-a-half when working overtime, according to July 2011 data from the National Association of Letter Carriers. They also earn premium pay on holidays. Moreover, these mail workers receive 13 days of leave during their first three years of employment, according to the Postal Employee Network. Leave or sick days increase to 20 days after three years, and to 26 days after 15 years. Letter carriers also get tax-free flexible spending accounts for covering out-of-pocket health of day care services.

Job Outlook

  • Jobs for letter carriers are expected to decline 1 percent between 2008 and 2018, according to December 2009 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Automated machines have shortened the time these workers spend sorting mail, which will have a negative impact on jobs. Most job opportunities will be as a result of an increasing population.
Carriers Lifestyle

How to Get Truck Driver Training

Truck driving is an occupation that consistently posts the most job openings. Regardless of the state of the economy, goods need to be transported and that means the trucking industry needs drivers. To join the ranks of this growing profession, however, you need to get truck driver training. These steps explain how that’s done.


Obtain a driver’s license from the state in which you reside.

Initiate the process of obtaining a Commercial Driver’ License (CDL) by getting a state CDL permit. That is done by taking a written examination at your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (or your state’s equivalent), which covers general knowledge and a combination vehicle and air brakes tests.

Consider completing the optional endorsement examinations for hazardous materials, double and triple wide trailers and tankers. Upon obtaining these endorsements, your temporary instruction permit (TIP) will reflect that you are licensed to run that type of machinery.

Research truck driving schools online or through your local Yellow Pages to find a training facility that best suits your needs. Compare the type, quality and duration of each school’s training program. Websites, such as cdl truck list training centers by state.

Choose between a private school, public institution or one operated by a motor carrier. Private schools generally are run by for-profit organizations and train those with an interest in the trucking profession. Public institutions are government funded and include community colleges and vocational training schools. Motor carrier training is operated by trucking companies.

Select a truck driver training school that offers practical and hands-on driving instruction, and then be an attentive learner so you can find a great truck driving job when you complete your training.

Search for a job with a trucking company. Websites, such as, help drivers secure a job sometimes even before they have completed their training.

Newbies Trucker News

Calories Burned Driving

Driving in America has become a national pastime. The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey found that Americans spend more time driving to work (about 100 hours a year) than they do on vacation (about 80 hours), and 2 out of 10 people polled in an AP-AOL autos poll said they have a name for their car. The good news for those trying to lose weight is that driving also burns calories.

What Is a Calorie? explains that a calorie is a scientific way to measure energy. People burn calories when expending energy, and calories are used to power every function of the body, from respiration to digestion. It takes 3,500 calories over and above what the body uses to gain a pound. Conversely, the body must burn an additional 3,500 over and above what is taken in to lose a pound.

Rate of Caloric Burn

Calories are burned at different rates depending on the weight of the individual. The heavier the individual, the more calories are burned during different activities. A 120-lb. person burns fewer calories than a person weighing 200 lbs. because it requires more energy to move 200 lbs. a given distance than it does to move 120 lbs.

Calories Burned Driving a Car

requires energy. Moving the wheel, using your feet to operate the pedals and turning your head all require calories to power the body. According to, on average, a person weighing 150 lbs. will burn about 68 calories an hour driving. A person who weighs 120 lbs. will burn about only 55 calories an hour driving, while a person weighing 220 lbs. will burn about 100.


Calories burned per hour goes up with certain types of cars and certain types of driving. A 150-lb. person driving a bus, heavy truck or tractor burns about 136 calories an hour, and that same person driving a race car burns about 340 calories an hour. Driving a truck, including loading and unloading, will burn about 374 calories an hour, about the same amount in a Whopper Jr. from Burger King.

Weight Loss and Driving

Unfortunately, truck driving does not lend itself to weight loss. While the number of calories required to drive a truck is higher than those required to drive a car, a study by the Centers for Disease Control shows that 73 percent of truck drivers are overweight and more than 50 percent are obese. This could be because driving long distances can be boring and eating breaks up the monotony. For instance, a Pew Research poll showed that 41 percent of car drivers had eaten a meal while driving in the last year.

Lifestyle Trucker News

Types of Transportation

When planning a vacation, it is imperative that you plan not only how to get there, but how you are going to get around once you reach your destination as well. There are many modes of travel that you can use when seeing the sites in one city or traveling to multiple cities during one adventure. Vacationing is all about making the most of your time visiting and touring new or familiar favorite places again, and depending on what you consider exciting, there are many ways to accomplish your goals.

On Foot

There are many types of transportation that will get you to your destination, but few that offer the adventures that walking offers. This is where the old idea of backpacking through Europe became such a popular goal in life .

Renting Cars

There is always the option of renting a car at almost any city that you choose to visit. This allows you to get places faster but still on your own time and schedule.

Public Rides

Buses, trains, subways, taxis and other chauffeured automobiles give you the leisure of having someone else who knows the area drive you around. Most popular hotspot cities even offer these types of transportation with guided tours, so all you have to do is sit back and look during your vacation.

Air Travel

Planes are still one of the most popular means of getting to a particular destination fast. This includes public flights, private jets and even helicopter tours.

Water Traveling

Another popular vacationing travel ideas is on the water. Everything from riverboat tours and whale watching voyages to long cruises, offers all the conveniences of home with different types of transportation to see the world in a whole different way than you would on land.