Lifestyle Trucker News

About Civil War Transportation

Travel during the Civil War was very slow. Railroads weren’t regulated, so frequent transfers were needed in some areas. Generally, trains and ships provided the fastest transportation but, in some locations, traveling via these methods was impossible if the enemy had control of the ports, depots or railroads. Even traveling by horse was dangerous in some areas.

There were three main types of transportation during the Civil War. The main method of travel was by cutters on the waterways. This is how both sides transported the vast majority of goods. The second method of travel was by train. There were three types of train used during the Civil War. Supply trains transported goods. Passenger trains were used by civilians and military troops. Medical trains were used to transport the sick or injured. The third method of travel was by horse, sometimes with a buggy or carriage. Horses were used by civilians and the military. Buggies and carriages were used mostly by civilians.


Many people believe that railroads provided the main transportation during the Civil War. This is untrue. Waterways, such as the Mississippi River, were the main way to travel. Railroads were generally used to move from one large city to another or to go to smaller cities along the railroad. Waterways, however, have numerous channels and outlets that could be used to get to locations not accessible by railroad. Ships, such as cutters, enabled both sides to transport supplies to troops easier than railroads did.


Control of the waterways and railroads played a big part in the Civil War. One of the main objectives of military maneuvers was to gain control of the railroads and ports because railroads and ships were the only ways to haul large amounts of goods over a long distance. Controlling the railroads and ports was an effective way to stop supplies from reaching enemy territory while allowing supplies into home territory.

All of the railroads during the Civil War were made of iron. Most of the railroads in the Northern states used rails that were 4 feet 8 ½ inches apart. In the Southern states, however, the railroads varied. Because of this, the Union military was able to transport more goods and soldiers using fewer transfers than the Confederate military. While both sides relied heavily upon ships to transport goods, Union ships were clearly superior as they were made of new materials. Confederate ships were made, and fixed, with melted, used metal from the homes of Confederate sympathizers.

Risk Factors
One of the major risk factors to any mode of travel during the Civil War was coming into contact with enemy troops. Locomotives and passenger trains, for example, could be intercepted by troops fighting for the other side. If this happened, any valuable goods, including food rations, would be confiscated by the troops. Just as dangerous was traveling by horse and buggy over any long distance. Horses were desperately needed by both sides, so these were often confiscated, leaving the traveler stranded, and many times injured if they tried to stop the confiscation.

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Lifestyle Owner Operators

Driving Etiquette

What is the saying? “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you?” If drivers remembered this,there would be fewer accidents on our highways today.

Everyone appreciates the good manners of the driver who: signals his turns, makes his stops smoothly, and gradually pulls into the proper lane well before making a turn. This not only shows “good manners,” but can save the lives of others-as well as the driver’s own.

The Courteous And Alert Driver

A good driver is alert, and knows about the local speed limits and the meanings of the signs. The courteous driver does not sneak through at the beginning or end of red lights. DARN! He always uses his signals. He looks before he backs into or out of a parking space and he parks carefully. The well mannered driver dims his headlights the minute another car approaches. If the other car fails to do likewise, he resists the temptation to flash his lights. He uses his horn in emergencies only.

When a courteous driver scrapes the fender or inflicts minor damage to a parked car without its owner present, he leaves a note giving his name, his telephone number, and the name of the insurance company. If the owner is present, the courteous driver exchanges insurance information politely and contacts the proper authorities right away without incident.

Be Considerate of Others
Courtesy is most important to safe driving. The courteous driver considers how his actions will affect those behind, in front of, and beside him, and is alert to what other cars are doing as well. Because of this attitude, he is a safe driver..

Drinking & Driving

In our world today teens face the pressures of drinking. Drinking alone is bad enough, but when you drink and drive you are putting someone else’s life in danger. The most important part of well-mannered driving is to know NOT to drive when you have had too much to drink. If you’ve been drinking give your keys to someone who has not. Your reactions and reflexes are slowed down a lot when you have been drinking. Remember, the courteous driver is an alive one.

Lifestyle Owner Operators

Problems in the Trucking Industry

Shipping goods by truck has always been a vital method of distribution in America. However, the trucking industry has been facing new threats and problems making its distribution method harder to maintain. The cost of fuel, highway congestion, competition, lack of new drivers and problems with long-hauling are factors contributing to the industry’s demise.

Fuel Costs

As economic crises loom and the tension of world affairs increases, the cost of fuel suffers. In February of 1999, the price per gallon was $1.18, compared to February of 2009 at $2.13 a gallon.

Highway Congestion

As more and more cars make it onto the highways, the ability for a trucker to make his trip in a timely manner decreases. Accidents, traffic congestion and highway construction can all lead to a loss of profit.


Some truckers have found work harder to come by in recessions. Oftentimes another trucker will offer to move the goods at a lower price.

Decline in Drivers

A decline in the number of drivers is another threat to the trucking industry. Because trucking has a high turnover, the industry is losing more drivers than it’s employing.

Long-Haul Shipping

One of the methods of shipping is the long-haul, moving a shipment of goods across the country in very little time. It’s stressing work because of the lack of sleep. Fewer drivers are willing to perform this task.

Freight Loads Trucker News

How to Voluntarily Revoke Hauling Authority

Long-haul drivers transport goods in semi-trailers across the country. Drivers can work in a freight fleet for a hauling company, as a self-employed transport hauler or as part of the company that needs the goods delivered to customers. To be able to haul freight, drivers must file an application for an operating authority license. A driver can voluntarily revoke his license when stopping his hauling operation due to retirement or closing of his hauling company. The driver must file a Form OCE-46, Request for Revocation of Registration, with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) compliance division.

Request an OCE-46 application. You can request the form by telephone at 866-637-0635 or by downloading it from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website. (See Resources.) Enter the docket number and the name of the carrier, freight forwarder or broker who has requested the revocation of operating authority. Write in the address of the requesting carrier. Select the appropriate box for which operating authority you have: common, contract or broker.

Write the reason for your request. Print the name of the person who has authorization to submit the request along with a daytime telephone number.

Have the signature notarized or sign it in the presence of an FMCSA staff member. Mail the original form to the FMCSA.

Freight Loads

How to Find Laod Transport

Finding load transport has been made easier with the advent and usage of the for instance, is one of the most reliable websites in providing transport solutions and especially for heavy loads that local transport firms may not cater for. However, the telephone directories and classified ad sections of local dailies can suffice for any sort of load transport service.

Information about registered large carriers like light aircraft, cargo planes, helicopter load carriers, haulers or railroad freight movers can be found at state departments in charge of transport and on government ministry websites.

Connect to the Internet and on the search engine search bar, type From this site, you can find a host of other services like fleet management, heavy hauling, tracking, lubricants, logistics and moving, indicated by links.

Select the truck or load to be transported from thousands of truck load carriers, freight brokers and direct shippers. Click on the company names to get the details of the services they offer, location and contacts, among other details. Many load transport companies operate within the USA, with a few being transnational within Europe and North America.

Click on Details at the bottom of the page when your load board displays the load. This will give you the routing and mileage information of that company or carrier. The details on mileage and direction of the road from the origin to its destination in this page will offer you the choices for the destination of your load from which you can pick the most fair-priced.

Fill in the details of your load or truck request in the areas indicated as well as the origin and destination of the load. Complete the process by sending the details. Load transport firms can be accessed from Checking under the sub directory will yield names of freight carriers, load companies, carriers, cargo firms, haulers and general transport companies.

Pay for the load transport service. Depending on the kind of load transport, the location of the load and its destination, clients are required to make payments using their debit or credit cards if the transaction is online. In case the physical location of the company is verifiable, payments can be made by cash or check.

Business Lifestyle

How to Start an Energy Brokers Business

Starting an energy brokerage firm takes market research and a careful business plan in order to be successful. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available for entrepreneurs ready to start their business as an energy broker. Entrepreneur magazine reports that instability in traditional energy sources creates an opportunity for small-business to grow within the energy sector.

Before getting started, considering all your options is extremely important. You must know the size of the territory in which you’ll compete as well as your competitors. You must also decide if you want to go it alone or franchise.

Research the requirements to start an energy brokerage in your area. These requirements most likely include the regulation status of electricity in your municipality as well as who competes in your area. According to News Batch, energy deregulation refers to legislation permitting the energy market to regulate its own prices as opposed to having a government agency police the market. Gaebler reports that energy brokers operating in electricity markets in which you will not compete would also be a good source of industry information.

Consider franchising your energy brokerage instead of going it alone. Companies like Energy Brokers USA offer turn-key franchising packages which include everything from a customized website to business leads and earning potential for the life of the customer’s account.

License your business. Once you decide whether to operate an independent company or become part of a franchise, you will need to register your business with local government for taxation and licensing purposes. As a benefit, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities keeps an on line database of all competitive energy suppliers and licensed commercial brokers.

Getting Your Business Off the Ground

Call specific energy suppliers and arrange a contract that settles the terms under which they will supply your company with electricity. An energy brokerage franchise will take care of these contacts for you, though an independent energy brokerage will need to negotiate its own contracts. NewsBatch is a good resource for specifics regarding brokering deals in order to provide energy, including how to approach a supplier, the terms of a contract as well as any volume restrictions.

Contact potential commercial customers in your area whose needs your new company could serve. New account leads could be supplied by your franchiser if you choose to go in that direction. However, should you decide to operate independently, you will need to hunt your own leads. Energy Brokers USA advises building a client-base with long-term potential and who will use a significant volume of electricity.

Supply electricity to your new clients. Remember, though, that you are the broker. Once a business is your client, it is your responsibility to supply the client with electricity at the lowest cost based on your list of suppliers. Many franchisers will have this infrastructure in place for you as part of your deal, though you will have to pay franchising fees and other royalties for this privilege. If you operate independently, you will need to standardize how your energy brokerage will supply power to your clients. One idea, such as that implemented by Energy Brokers USA, is to use a website which automatically synchronizes your client’s account to the most efficient provider

Freight Loads Lifestyle

How Does a Freight Forwarding Company Work?

When you had to get a product from one place to another, it used to be that you’d call a shipper who would send a truck over, pick it up and take it to wherever it was supposed to go. Today, though, international trade, fuel prices and economic considerations have conspired to make that trip for one pallet of widgets increasingly more expensive. Container shipping has solved the problem of distance, allowing one or more companies to combine shipping to a single destination.

The people who coordinate the movement of goods from place to place and put together a series of carriers to get it there used to be called “brokers.” Today they’re called “freight forwarding companies,” since they are responsible for delivery of goods as well as coordinating their movement.

Freight forwarding companies may have begun as direct shippers, but they all act as brokers, too. Your products may be picked up on pallets at your warehouse by a truck with the name of the freight forwarding company on it, but between your warehouse and your “load’s” destination, it may switch carriers from truck to airplane to train or ship and back to truck again. The logistics of this is up to the freight forwarder. He’s responsible for keeping track of the shipment as well as arranging for a network of carriers that provide the fastest or least expensive alternative–whatever you the shipper wants. Most freight forwarders have a computerized reporting system to locate a shipment that customers can check to find out where their property is at any time.

Freight carriers have only their own licensing, accounting and legal compliance with which to concern themselves. Freight forwarders must be licensed as carriers in all states where they operate, and forwarders who operate internationally must have the appropriate import and export licenses in each country in which they work. In addition, forwarders, acting as prime contractors, must check to make sure that each carrier they employ has proper licensing for the assignment, including maritime and aviation licenses. A freight forwarder must develop a unique system, known as logistics, to track each shipment, confirm carrier changes and follow up on deliveries as goods move along. The broker must package shipments properly, order containers and deliver them in place for carriers that require them.

Forwarders also frequently employ customs specialists to manage international shipments, including export and import declarations. Since freight forwarders act as authorized agents with power of attorney for clients, most have accounting and legal staff to ensure compliance with interstate and international regulations. The forwarding company collects and consolidates all carrier and supplier billing, bills the customer and distributes payments to individual carriers and suppliers. Modern freight forwarders are much more than just shipping brokers or freight carriers. They are managers responsible for the efficient movement of billions of dollars worth of goods over dozens of countries every day.

Lifestyle Trucker News

How to Find the Fastest Driving Route to a Long Distance Destination

Careful thought and planning which route to take when traveling across state lines can save a lot of time and stress. Many tools exist online to help find directions to any place in the United States, but it does not always show you the best way. With a little extra research, you can find the best and fastest route for your trip.


Choose the destination that you will be traveling to. Use the Internet to find driving directions to that destination from your beginning destination.

Research the main roads you will be spending the majority of the time on using the Internet. Many states have websites that provide construction information that is useful for anticipating traffic delays and planning around them.

Find alternate route possibilities in areas where there is construction. Many construction areas will still let traffic through at a decent pace, but there are some that will bring traffic to almost a dead halt.

Look for turnpikes that may be faster than the regular highway. Turnpikes may cost a little money, but are usually well worth it if they shorten your driving time.


Keep a map in the car with you at all times during the trip. This will come in handy if you do have to take an alternate route and need to find your way back to the main road.

Lifestyle Trucker News

How to Become Successful At Anything

No matter what your looking to obtain – a better relationship, a promotion at work, or to gain income and become more successful, there are certain ‘laws of attraction’ that you can follow to actually attract success in your life! Yes, you can actually attract it! Before we go any further, please realize there is a difference in arrogance and being successful.

Arrogance is when you just think you can get what you want anytime without having to work for it, as success is actually achieving your goals by pushing yourself further and accomplishing your goals. Nothing in life worth having comes free always remember that.

Humbleness is one of the many qualities in the ‘law of attraction.
Set your standards. When you set standards and goals for yourself – don’t make very demanding or unreachable goals. You will only be setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, think realistic and set goals and standards that seem sensible to the time period your looking at. You also need to think about what you REALLY want to achieve compared to what others think you should. Be yourself, and only yourself.

It’s the one true quality you will always have. If you try to become someone else, you will most always fail. With that being said, you should really evaluate your life, needs and wants. The main way to become successful is to be true to yourself.

Don’t listen to negative people. People are people, and human nature is pretty simple. If someone is miserable – they want others to feel miserable because it makes them feel better about their own life. Therefore, when you speak of what you want and how you want to achieve it and someone puts it down.

Pay it no attention. Surround yourself to happiness and positive thoughts. Sometimes it’s better to let things go in one ear and out the other. Only you know what you truly need and what you truly want. Think of it as a “negativity shield” you put up once people start to rain on your parade.

Don’t stop believing. Yes, a Journey song can be very motivational. Never stop believing in yourself. Things can get tough – everybody has tough times – it doesn’t mean that you won’t make it through it stronger and happier than before. A lot of people give up when things get tough and feel like there isn’t hope. However, most of the time that moment is what will make or break you. Ever heard the saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try again”? Remember those words and live by them. No matter what it is, a job promotion or a relationship – there is always a second chance to make things work.

Practice makes perfect. Practice, try and try again. This is similar to step three, only more active. Yes, you might fail miserably once at something – but that is NO reason you shouldn’t try it again. It’s like riding a bike – if you fall off – try it again, eventually you will become steady. Keep trying, keep practicing, and be persistent. Never take no for an answer. Giving up admits failure, when it’s not always failure – sometimes it’s not meant to be at the time. That doesn’t mean that you should give up on it. Passion is what makes the world go ’round. If you have a passion for something, you must keep trying. If not, you’ll always wonder what could have happened.

Enjoy the benefits. You reap what you sew. It’s a saying that is almost always true. You get what you give. If you give 50%, you’ll only get back 50%….if you give 100%, you’ll get 100% – if not – you’ve learned a lesson in life which is just as important and will only make you become successful. Stay focused and believe in yourself, it’s the only true way to gain a successful life.

Freight Load Board – Find Truck Loads & Freight Exchange

Freight Broker Training – Learn How to become a freight broker

Lifestyle Trucker News

Can I Buy Car Insurance for My Old Truck Through the State of Michigan?

Michigan sets guidelines that determine a driver’s eligibility for car insurance. Individual insurance companies also establish underwriting rules that can cause certain drivers and vehicles to be denied auto insurance. Generally, older trucks are covered under a Michigan car insurance policy if they qualify.


An old truck won’t be covered in Michigan if does not meet the state’s safety requirements, or if the proposed auto insurance company’s underwriting rules prohibit insuring older vehicles. Auto insurance companies can determine the underwriting guidelines that best suit company needs as long as they do not discriminate against a potential policy-holder.


According to the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation, “every car owner must buy certain basic coverages in order to register a vehicle in Michigan.” Mandatory coverage includes personal injury protection, property protection insurance and residual liability insurance. This coverage is designed to pay for medical expenses and liability for the insured in the event of an accident.


Some insurance companies specialize in insuring vehicles that have been turned down through other carriers. For example, classic cars or ultra-luxury vehicles require special coverage that not all insurance companies provide. It is often necessary to shop around for the most reasonable rates to insure an old truck, or contact several different Michigan companies to determine the type of coverage they can provide for your vehicle.