Lifestyle Trucker News

Maine to ban texting

Mobile phone use while driving is common, but dangerous. Due to the number of accidents that are related to cell phone use while driving, some jurisdictions have made the use of a cell phone while driving illegal. Others have enacted laws to ban handheld mobile phone use, but allow use of a handsfree device. In some cases restrictions are only directed to minors or those who are newly qualified license holders.

Maine Gov. Paul LePage signed a new law that prohibits texting while driving. The law makes Maine the 33rd state to prohibit texting behind the wheel. Under the new law, which takes effect in September, violators will face a minimum fine of $100.

With the addition of Maine, 33 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam have now banned text messaging by all drivers. Eight states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands have prohibited all hand-held cell phone use while driving.

In 2009, the U.S. Department of Transportation launched a national anti-distracted driving campaign.

If you provide either cell phones or vehicles to your employees, lay down the law: No sending or reading text messages if you’re driving as part of your job. It’s illegal in 30 states.

Reinforce safety by placing a policy in your employee handbook. When you hand out cell phones or company cars, make employees acknowledge they understand the rules by having them sign a copy of your no-texting policy. Accidents involving a driver being distracted by talking on a mobile phone have begun to be prosecuted as negligence similar to speeding.

Newbies Trucker News

Trick your Truck @ 45 Chrome Shop

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You can find thousands of car accessories that you want to keep your car looks like a great style here. We sell many accessories that are designed specifically for trucking Industry. We can supply the best trick suited for your truck. If you don’t see the accessory you want on our list feel free to ask if we can get it for you. For more details please visit .

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Trucker News

NAFTA trade rose in March

Surface transportation trade between the United States and its North American Free Trade Agreement partners Canada and Mexico increased 15.6 percent in March over March 2010 to $80.8 billion, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

The March total was the largest month since data collection began in 1994, beating the previous record set in April 2008 by 8.8 percent. BTS reported the freight value in March rose 21.5 percent from February.

U.S.–Canada surface transportation trade totaled $48.7 billion in March, up 15.7 percent from March 2010. U.S.–Mexico surface transportation trade gained 15.3 percent to $32.1 billion in March compared with a year earlier.


Lifestyle Newbies


Globalization shapes our identity to the extent that we are influenced by people around us, new and old ideas and beliefs, and even the consciously held notion that we are and will continue to be influenced by globalization.

Media is a powerful tool that affects and shapes everything from our buying habits to our self concept. When global patterns of trade and transportation are portrayed through the media, the effect is to solidify and intensify those patterns.

First, trade ties into the shaping of globalization. This is done by international trade. There are many companies in Canada that are owned by the United States, but the products that sold by the company are made in various locations around the world. The fact that the labor is distributed worldwide means that jobs are being provided for people who otherwise would not have been able to have a job without the factory located where they live. For example, Nike products are sold in many stores and countries but are manufactured in China, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. This influences the way people in different countries dress–an aspect of globalization at work. National trade also shapes globalization.
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Second, transportation helps with the connection of how globalization shapes identities. International transportation also shapes the globalizing world. Products can be shipped overseas on boats and planes to other countries. Trucks also play an important part in transportation on land. Bananas are one example of how this process works. They are shipped to places around the world in containers on planes, boats, and vehicles. This influences how the items are transported while also tying into the food part of globalization. National transportation affects how globalization shapes identities. An example would be the fruits and vegetables from British Columbia that are shipped throughout Canada by trucks. This is done because some places can`t hold the proper climate to grow them.

This influences what people in certain areas eat and how often they get that certain type of food. Local transportation also affects globalization. Many people can just take their regular vehicles and sometimes big trucks to local grocery stores or markets and sell their products there. This Influences how and what people eat in their town, meaning that they can get fresh home-grown produce rather than having something that is from a large market. Thus transportation plays a role in the shaping of globalization.

Globalization in the world can be defined by three aspects; media, transportation and trade. They link together and help the world become closer connected