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Careers in Logistics

Logistics according to the Council of Logistics Management is ” the process that deals with planning, implementing and controlling the efficient flow of goods, services and information from the point-of-origin to the point-of-consumption in order to meet the customers’ requirements.” The activities in logistics include transportation, warehousing, freight, delivery and customer support. Careers in logistics encompass all these activities. The objective of logistics is to improve the competitive advantage of a company. Corporations in recent years have invested heavily to improve their logistics, thus logistical careers are considered to be a part of a growing field.


Careers in logistics are available across a broad spectrum of industries. The most common employers include the airline industry, postal service, railways, ports, manufacturing companies and transportation companies.

Logistical jobs cover a wide range of departments within a company including: purchasing and material procurement, transportation, inventory management, warehousing, distribution, order processing, information systems and customer service.

Job Designations
The common job designations include pilots, drivers, supervisors, managers, distribution service managers, warehousing managers, inventory analysts, customer support workers, logisticians and postal workers.

Skills Needed
Skills needed vary according to the job description, but in common require an attention to detail, critical thinking, people skills and dependability. Basic high school diploma is the minimum required education for many of the jobs within logistics. College degree is required for many supervisory and technical level jobs. Experience is highly valued in the field, though many entry level opportunities are also available.

Additional Training
Improvements in logistics translate to greater efficiency for a company. Therefore companies are investing heavily in information technology to improve logistical efficiency. Training in new technology such as Enterprise Resource Management Systems and information technology are very helpful in pursuing logistical careers.

Apart from technology, companies are also paying more attention to improving customer satisfaction. Training in areas such as customer service and management are also a part of the job description in logistics.