
Using A Box Truck On Amazon Relay

Serving as Amazon’s freight transportation management system, Amazon Relay allows owner-operators and carriers to work directly with Amazon.

Relay connects small freight carriers straight to available loads to help them quickly grow their businesses. Relay equips trucking companies, fleet owners, and their drivers with everything needed to book and haul loads.Relay has helped thousands of small and mid-sized carriers expand their business through daily access to thousands of loads.

Carriers can use Relay to assign work to drivers, manage rosters, review payments, and analyze performance. Additionally, carriers can post empty capacity with date, time, destination, and price preferences. Relay will automatically assign matching work as it becomes available, so they can invest time growing their business rather than filling out paperwork.

Carriers can be connected to loads from the company’s expansive network of freight. Fleet owners, carriers and drivers are given all the tools they need to start booking and hauling loads right away.

Approved carriers can take advantage of Amazon’s freight offering, giving them access to more than 30,000 spot loads daily through the Amazon load board.

Instead of dealing with emails, phone calls and price haggling, carriers have one central platform to handle the entire process:



Commercial navigation

Detailed load information

In order to haul freight for Amazon through Relay, carriers will need to apply through the self-service onboarding portal. Once approved, carriers can start using the load board to find, book and assign work.

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2 Changes In Logistics After Covid-19

The past few years have been turbulent ones for the logistics industry. In 2020, freight logistics and supply chain resilience was tested again and again.

The pandemic interrupted many global supply chains, which were forced into stops and starts over the past year. Shippers and carriers had to continuously change plans as the means of logistics they relied on strained and sometimes broke.

After the sluggish pandemic economy of 2020, government stimulus, low-interest rates, and increased consumer spending are spurring growth in 2021.

As a result of this unpredictable, pandemic-driven year, U.S. business logistics costs fell 4.0% to $1.56 trillion, or 7.4% of 2020’s $20.94 trillion U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), according to the 32nd Annual Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) State of Logistics Report.

Motor carrier costs dropped 0.6% in 2020. While full truckload carriers dropped 1.6% last year and less-than-truckload carrier costs were down 5%, private and dedicated fleets saw a 1.5% increase in costs during 2020. Parcel delivery costs jumped 24.4% last year, driven by the surge in ecommerce and changes in consumer behavior.

As consumer behavior changes global and domestic supply chains, fleets are forced to adapt to the ongoing pandemic and other disruptions continuously. Supply chains are being reset and reconfigured as manufacturers shift their sources and consumers shift their spending habits.

Logisticians proved themselves capable of quickly abandoning old plans, solving new problems, and handling disruptions. This ability to adapt will serve logistics professionals well in the future, as the report predicts that the pandemic’s aftereffects and “new surprises” will force logistics professionals to continually change their plans.

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What do you need to become a freight dispatcher?

Freight is a dynamic and rewarding industry. One way to get your start in the shipping industry is to become a truck dispatcher.

Dispatchers play a key role in getting trucks out to collect and deliver loads for businesses shipping goods. 

You need to consider everything from how to navigate a load board and create an effective website to how to negotiate contracts and find and work with carriers.

Truck dispatchers are usually employed directly by a shipping company or an owner-operator. They could be employed by a freight company to coordinate a set portfolio of shipping lanes. Some truck dispatchers work freelance for multiple trucking companies as independent freight dispatchers.

The best truck dispatchers have a mix of interpersonal and analytical skills that help them solve problems in every section of the supply chain.

Dispatchers need to have a good sense of how all the pieces of the puzzle fit in order to quickly respond to changes or customer requests.

To become a freight dispatcher you  need:

Education and training.

Get industry experience.

Register your business.

Subscribe to a quality load board.

Running a successful truck dispatcher business is hard work, like so many of the jobs in the freight industry, dispatching can be lucrative. It takes a keen eye for detail and an organized mind to be successful in the role. If you have those qualities, this might be a career worth pursuing.

Growth + Change = Opportunity! 


Software Helping Freight Brokers and Agents Maximize Earnings

Early in the game, brokers can manage their handful of loads manually. But as their network grows, they’ll need to reinvest the initial profit into technologies to scale their business. The specialized software will systematize the shipment process, improve the overall brokerage service offering, and ultimately organize operations a whole lot better.

To ensure profitability, they must define the most efficient transport option that benefits their own business while satisfying customer requirements. Doing this involves a lot of challenges.

Tallgrass Freight Co. (TGF) introduced an innovative, new CRM designed for freight experts, by freight experts. This groundbreaking platform empowers freight agents to earn more, work with greater efficiency and deliver the strongest customer experience. An industry disruptor, the Tallgrass CRM is poised to make a lasting impact on the logistics ecosystem.

While most companies utilize an off-the-shelf CRM, the Tallgrass Freight CRM was designed with a freight broker’s unique needs in mind. 

Every feature was created to streamline the logistics workflow. The system includes an intuitive shipment booking system, agent commissions data, a detailed carrier information page and easy accessibility to training. 

If you have a freight brokerage business and decide to purchase software instead of building it from scratch, you have a wide choice of solutions. As they all have similar functionality, a good practice is to select options within your budget range and then trial each of them. Make sure the system is highly optimized because speed is everything in this business.

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Mental Health And Running Your Own Business

Being an entrepreneur seems exciting on the surface: pursuing a passion, setting your own schedule and, hopefully, making lots of money. But the responsibility that comes with getting a business up and running can cause immense pressure. Running your own business can be hugely rewarding, but for many  business owners having sole responsibility for the company’s success or failure can take its toll. Entrepreneurs are more likely to experience mental health issues than the general public.

While it can be tempting to focus all of your time and attention on your business, it’s also essential that you take care of yourself. As an entrepreneur you can face a range of unique challenges that can affect your mental health and the mental health of your staff.

These are seven ways to maintain your mental health while running a business:

Understand that you’re not alone: 32 percent of entrepreneurs struggle with two or more mental health conditions. One of the most important things for you to realize is that you’re not alone, and support is closer than you think

Put your mental health above everything else: Finding at least a small amount of time for yourself every day is an important part of self-care. It could be as simple as gardening, drawing, reading a good book, taking a hot bath, or going for coffee with a loved one—anything that relaxes you

Learn how to ask for help: With the stigma surrounding mental illness and the effects it has on our society, taking a stand and being open and vocal is necessary.

Avoid unhealthy comparison: Comparison on social media is unavoidable, and psychological research has shown that this kind of comparison leads to a list of mental health concerns. Taking breaks from social media (aside from business purposes) can be very helpful for both your mental health and your focus and productivity.

Create a support network: You can connect with like-minded individuals in person at networking events or through online communities as a way of building collaboration and for a positive effect on your day-to-day well-being, it’s important to maintain your relationships outside of your business as well.

Sleep well, eat well, and exercise: Force yourself to go to sleep by a certain time every night so that you’re getting the right amount of sleep. Make sure to set aside even 30 minutes of time a day to get in some quick cardio or a short one-hour class at the gym. And don’t neglect your diet!

Don’t be afraid of therapy: If the stress of being an entrepreneur becomes overwhelming, get professional help from your family doctor, counselor, psychologist, or other mental help expert as soon as possible.

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Reopening Businesses And Logistics

The pandemic eases in the U.S., and offices around the country commence reopening plans.
Businesses are finding themselves in a constant state of transition with each county and state being in different phases of reopening, and then considering the new customers they’ve gotten over the last year.

In its most-recent guidance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said that employers can legally require workers to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, with exceptions for those who have a medical or religious accommodation.
Some epidemiologists continue to recommend following the golden rules of coronavirus safety.

The Biden administration has been weighing changes to sweeping travel restrictions that bar much of the world’s population from coming to the United States, but has reached no decisions, government and industry officials.

Biden administration agencies have been holding meetings for more than a month and reaching out to industry officials about when and how they could begin to unwind the travel restrictions first imposed in early 2020 in response to COVID-19 that bar much of the world’s population from entering the United States.
The U.S.-bound imports and shipments remain solid.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told a news conference on Wednesday that any decision to lift restrictions “ultimately is a public health decision and there is an interagency process and obviously the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)” is taking a leading role.

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Fuel Shortage And Freight Brokers

US shippers in the Southeast face several additional days of truckload service disruption, with the potential for missed deliveries and pickups, as the region recovers from sporadic fuel shortages caused by the Colonial Pipeline shutdown. 

Fistfights and long queues have been reported at petrol stations in the south-eastern United States as people panic over a fuel shortage sparked by a cyber attack last week.

A ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline last week halted 2.5 million barrels per day of fuel shipments.

The pipeline stretches 8,850 kilometres from US Gulf Coast oil refineries to consumers in mid-Atlantic and south-eastern states.

The outage and resulting shortages of gasoline and diesel tightened already tight truckload capacity as the spring produce season ratcheted up truck demand across the South, compounding pressure on shippers and carriers already strapped by high volumes of freight arriving at ports such as Savannah and Charleston, as well as inland hubs such as Atlanta and Memphis.

Colonial Pipeline Co. said in an update on Wednesday that a restart of its system has been initiated: “Following this restart, it will take several days for the product delivery supply chain to return to normal. Some markets served by Colonial Pipeline may experience, or continue to experience, intermittent service interruptions during the start-up period,” the company added. “Colonial will move as much gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel as is safely possible and will continue to do so until markets return to normal.”

Shippers may have difficulty finding carriers and drivers willing to go to the Southeast while the fuel shortages persist.

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2 Causes of High Demand for Freight Brokers

Current market restrictions on trucks and international container capacity are expected to last through 2023.

Shippers are moving to a stronger for a longer pricing cycle, many retailers are increasing their transport cost projections and retailers are already starting to raise prices by 10% to 20%.

The hot market continues to affect truck load carriers ordering new trucks and paying attention to driver recruitment and retention to keep up with customer demand, these issues are also starting to affect another actor in the supply chain: the freight broker.

The transportation hiring data is not following the same trends as shipment volume, something that commonly trended the same in the past.

Candidates leverage their power: As trucking volumes continue to rise, freight brokers have struggled with their own internal recruiting strategies and have started reaching out to industry recruiters.

Charlie Saffro, founder and president of CS Recruiting said “The demand is now greater than ever”, “The way we can judge this comes from companies we have never worked with before. … Lots of companies that start brokerage and don’t even have a name or website, [even] You want to hire freight brokers. “

“Currently, there is a war over talent”, “It’s a candidate market and it’s 100%.” Brent Orsuga, founder and president of Pinnacle Growth Strategies, explained.

Contrary to the trucking industry, in which barriers to entry are becoming more difficult, making it less attractive for potential drivers, the brokerage space is dealing with candidates who understand their qualifications and want a better experience than they currently have.

Growth + Change = Opportunity! How are you going to capitalize on the opportunity as a freight broker, agent or dispatcher?

Trucker News

Electrical fire destroys office of trucking company

A fire caused by electrical wiring destroyed the office of a trucking company in Warsaw last Tuesday morning.

Seven fire companies were on hand for three hours at Baker & Baker Milk Haulers at 5313 Davies Road. The estimated loss is $75,000, according to the Wyoming County Office of Emergency Services.

According to officials, electrical wiring in the wall and ceiling between the facility’s office and the shop caused the fire. The main shop area, which is used to repair the truck fleet, received only minor damage, officials said.

Responding to the fire were companies from: Warsaw, Silver Springs, Gainesville, Perry, Perry Center and Castile.

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Freight Loads Trucker News

Need to Find Loads? Choose the best Load Board!

As an owner-operator, you know you need to find loads to haul. Your business is based on running as many loaded miles as you can in order to maximize your profits and mileage. One great way to find loads is through online freight matching services, also known as load boards. These websites can save you a lot of time hunting down work, so you can spend your time earning money.

There are scores of load boards to choose from, so the trick is to find one that matches your needs so you aren’t wasting time and money.

1. Low cost

Make sure you find a freight matching service that fits within your budget. A good load board will pay for itself after a few loads.

2. User-friendly interface

Is the load board user-friendly? Look for an intuitive interface, so you don’t waste time searching for loads, posting your truck or using other value-added features.

3. Free trial

Look for a load board that offers a free trial, so you can test it to see if it suits your needs. Be weary of a load board that does not offer a free trial.

4. Mobile apps

When you’re on the go, you need a freight match service that offers the same access on your phone or tablet as what you can see on your computer.

The most popular load boards offer mobile apps that can be used while you’re on the road and away from your laptop. One of the most popular mobile load board apps is available for free download at:

  • iOS App
  • Android App

5. Find Loads with Load Board Notifications

You’ll want to use a board that sends load alerts 24/7 to your phone or email address, so you never miss an opportunity.

6. Free load posting for brokers

When it’s easier for brokers to post loads, more truckloads will be listed, offering you greater opportunities.

7. Value-added features including Quick Pay

Some load boards provide load planners, credit ratings/scores, mileage/routing and free corporate websites at no additional cost.


When you are searching for a load, be aware if you select ONLY one trailer type, you will be eliminating trailer loads that have been posted that can go on several different kinds of trailers. For example, if you search ONLY UTILITY trailer, you will not see loads that can be hauled on a utility trailer or a gooseneck trailer.


It is always better to be in a market that has more loads leaving than coming in. Leave the origin blank and include the city names that you are searching for in the destination. Then run the search and compare the inbound loads versus outbound loads. This is an easy way to see what the market looks like where you are or where you are headed so you can avoid deadheading.


Pay attention to the size of the load and the distance of the haul. You don’t want to take on more than you can handle, and then you have limited space on your trailer for loads you can already committed to hauling.


You do not want to put all your eggs in one basket. If you sign up for more than one load board, it can help you get the best load. One load board does not have all the information you need. Consider using a variety of load boards so you can keep delivering loads and making money.


You are not going to stumble upon the right load immediately. Sometimes it might take you an hour before you find the right one. That is just the way it works, but it is important to not get frustrated. The right load will come about eventually.

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